Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dungog Hospital Rocks!!!

There is a small Community Hospital on a beautiful hillside in a quaint Country Town in New South Wales.

This little Hospital is 100yrs old and is not resourced with all the latest technology. It is not heavily funded and I suspect, runs on a 'shoestring' budget.

However, what it does have are qualities that in all probability cannot be bought and paid for and there are no bureaucrats in the world that could alter the "Heart" of this place.

This little Hospital is meticulously clean, beautifully and lovingly maintained and employs a local staff that include; Ancillary, Domestic, Kitchen, Grounds, Maintenance,Nurses and at the moment one very overworked GP.

Although this Hospital seemingly lacks many of the 'advantages' that other, larger and more generously funded Health Care facilities in the area enjoy, the standard of Care is probably one of the highest a patient could wish for or expect in Australia.

It is a shame that over the years various governments have seen fit to erode the funding of this much needed rural community resource. Up until 30yrs ago Women were still able to have their Babies here and all kinds of other surgical and non-surgical procedures were carried out. Very advantageous for the local Community and I would suggest would be financially prudent for Local, State & Federal funding.

Now, instead of a Hospital facility that is full to capacity dealing with the health issues of a vibrant local community, we now have a quaint building, with Staff who are doing more than their level best to provide what services they can.

Patients and their loved ones are now forced to drive a 60km or more round trip on dangerous and badly maintained roads to access major health care and maintain visits. The only access to other local hospitals is by private transport, there are no public transport options available so families have the added pressure of increased fuel costs and the ridiculous but ever present imposition of Parking Fees.
Apparently,the community is expected to take solace in the provision of a Helipad so patients can be transported to 'Major' Hospitals quickly.

I suggest this is a case of false economy that seems endemic in our public health system.

However, my B,B&B(Budgets,Beds & Bureaucrats)rating for this Hospital is 9/10. Well done to the caring, committed staff and an untiring Hospital auxiliary.

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