Saturday, September 25, 2010

B & B?...or is it B B & B? A Rating Guide for Hospitals?

I am now in my third hospital in the past two months, and have had to once again, be almost completely separated from my family and travel interstate to Melbourne to seek treatment and rehabilitation. The like of which, is simply nowhere to be found in N.S.W. to my knowledge - and if it is, I would be doubly appalled to have not been informed by medical professionals in that state.

As I have expressed in earlier posts, the day cannot come soon enough for me, when the Australian Health Care System comes under Federal Government control and basic standards, guidelines and patient handling strategies become unified and funded.

Because of my condition and because this is my third hospital transfer I am beginning to feel that perhaps I could 'rate' different hospitals; like a seasoned traveler might 'rate' Bed & Breakfast accommodation. Only in this instance, the criteria would not of course be simply B & B (Bed & Breakfast) but rather B B & B (Beds, Budgets & Bureaucrats).

It seems to me that EVERY Hospital, regardless of size or geographic location, is bound by these three constraints, and probably always will be.

However, each institution has it's own regulatory body or overseeing auxiliary of some kind, and it is largely the financial decisions made by these officials that determine in which way a Hospitals' financial resources are to be spent.

Sometimes, watching staff struggle to keep nursing and ward standards acceptable, I have often wondered if anyone on the given institutions' financial committee has ever been, or had a relative as a patient in their facility.

Needless to say, that in my experience, Hospitals here in Australia seem to deliver very different outcomes on many different levels. And so, the rating this space for further updates on the B.B&B (Beds, Budgets & Bureaucrats) Rating Guide.

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