About 8 weeks ago the supply of the 'slow' or 'controlled' release drug that I have been taking for over 10yrs and therefore, am dependent upon, ceased to be available.
There was no real warning to Patients, Doctors or Pharmacists and the huge multinational pharmaceutical company, responsible for production, apparently has no 'duty of care' to ensure supply and failed to stockpile
the drug even though it will be over 12 months before stocks become available.
the drug even though it will be over 12 months before stocks become available.
So, there is now a world-wide shortage and obviously many thousands of lives are being affected. Including myself & my family.
For me, it has been a major physical setback. After all the years of effort, rehabilitation and enjoying a comparatively restored quality of life and personal independence, I have, over the past 8 weeks, succumbed to being once again unable to self-care which indirectly led to my acquiring impetigo and then an alarming infestation of head-lice. Coupled with the decrease in medication has rendered me non-ambulant, unable to utilise my hands for small motor skills, a shaven head & an unnecessary amount of pain!
For my poor family, it has obviously had an enormous impact.
Not only have they once again had to helplessly witness my decline, but are now faced with ongoing hospital visits and have now come under the scrutiny of health workers as to their competence in caring for me.
Soul destroying for such a totally devoted and loving family unit, who simply want their Mum back home.
The unnecessary pressure this places on my ever loving, devoted, patient, kind Husband is taking it's daily toll - this I can see. In turn, this is extremely distressing for me. Being separated from my Husband & children for an extended period is stressful in itself, however, the question arises again............who cares for the carers?
It seems that once again, I must re-learn old skills, lay down new neural pathways, be homesick and hope above all that my dear Husband and family can remain intact whilst I endure these necessary but agonising steps.
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